Michel's Delaware and Hudson model railroad depicts a colourful Northeastern railroad. The D&H is a bridge line and Michel has chosen to model a branchline off this bridge route.
This area of Michel's layout is the new extension out into the crew lounge area.
This caboose hop crossing the bridge in gorgeous scenery is the view one has while sitting in the sofa in the crew lounge.
Michel lives in Aylmer, Quebec...just across the Ottawa River from Ottawa, Ontario. His layout is operations-based and has beautiful scenery. He has recently doubled the size of the model railroad with his extension into his crew lounge. Chris painted the fabulous backdrops you see in the scene above.

A rail diesel car is spotted piercing a long rock cut in the Adirondack Mountains..

The paint scheme on the D&H is desired by many with the lightning stripe blue and grey looking so handsome.
There is not a model railroader alive who would not be able to identify the Baldwin Shark-nosed diesels that plied the rails of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad! Thank you Michel, for continuing to run these rares beauties!
A Jordan spreader off in the distance.
Passing the rock face.
Across one of the many bridges on the layout.
The station at Corinth.
In the yard.
Rounding the bend beneath the trestle.
The large facility out in the crew lounge.
The highway overpass.
A nice backdrop adds to the staging area.
A handsome looking diesel.
Wood loads on the siding.
Across the trestle.
A road switcher hauling a unit train.
Near the diesel facility.
A closer look at the lumber yard.
Slightly further back.
Nice industries.
The painted backdrop is very effective.
The Jordan spreader in the yard.
Mama and baby bear better watch out!
Here is the tunnel entrance in the main layout room where the train will appear.
Employees' housing.
The Sharks traversing the landscape in the state of New York.
This unit train of empties is about to cross the bridge in the lounge.
Another look at the diesel engine facilities.
Allan's Lane in honour of our late friend, Allan Lane.
Normand worked as a dispatcher for the real railroad as his career.
So why not do the same on the model railroad!
Here's Michel, himself!
Thanks for checking in on a great railroad. Have a super day! Mike Hamer
A Jordan spreader off in the distance.
Passing the rock face.
Across one of the many bridges on the layout.
The station at Corinth.
In the yard.
Rounding the bend beneath the trestle.
The large facility out in the crew lounge.
The highway overpass.
A nice backdrop adds to the staging area.
A handsome looking diesel.
Wood loads on the siding.
Across the trestle.
A road switcher hauling a unit train.
Near the diesel facility.
A closer look at the lumber yard.
Slightly further back.
Nice industries.
The painted backdrop is very effective.
The Jordan spreader in the yard.
Mama and baby bear better watch out!
Entering the tunnel which will take the train from the crew lounge area back into the main layout room.
Here is the tunnel entrance in the main layout room where the train will appear.
Employees' housing.
The Sharks traversing the landscape in the state of New York.
This unit train of empties is about to cross the bridge in the lounge.
Another look at the diesel engine facilities.
Allan's Lane in honour of our late friend, Allan Lane.
Normand worked as a dispatcher for the real railroad as his career.
So why not do the same on the model railroad!
Here's Michel, himself!
Thanks for checking in on a great railroad. Have a super day! Mike Hamer
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